Monday, December 9, 2013

Plan for the rest of the semester...

Homework - semester review wkst

Math problems
Optional solar movie before or after school 

Quantum number quiz
Glowing fingers lab
Electron configuration practice

Review wkst
Homework - review wkst

Pass out papers
Flame lab
Homework - semester review wkst
Optional wkst - due before school Monday

Review for test and final

Study session
Electron test. 

Finals study session 

10 points extra credit due Wednesday BEFORE first hour

Start with the value of c and using conversion factors only, determine the number of times that light would orbit earth at the equator in one second. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Optional Conversion Factor Assinment

See previous conversion factor post and do the following problems - 3a, 3e, 11, 12c, 17a, 17b, and 25

All problems must use conversion factors, have correct significant significant figures, and be in proper scientific notation.  Remember - optional assignments are designed to give you practice on skills we will use frequently and to help your grade so...please have me check your work before turning it in!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

acid rain video resource

acid rain video resource


MSDS - Become familiar with the attached MSDS sheets.  You do not need to memorize the details of each chemical but know the different sections on an MSDS.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Safety Vocabulary

Copy the safety vocabulary into your notes.  You will not have time in class to copy them.  We will discuss them quickly and view examples of some of them.